Cedarhurst Community Association
Cedarhurst On The Bay is overseen by a volunteer group made up of a range of residents who work to maintain our special community. An elected board of directors and the community association coordinate the revenues of the community, giving all a vested interest in the stewardship of the community.
Cedarhurst Community Association (CCA) also sponsors a host of social events for all ages throughout the year. Meetings are held at the community house.
All Cedarhurst homeowners become members automatically. If you rent a home in the community, you can still become a member by filling out the application below.
Executive Officers:
President: Charles Quintero, cedarhurstpresident@gmail.com
Vice President: Mary Jean Schumann, Mary.Schumann1@gmail.com
Treasurer: Betsy Weikam, bweinkam@gmail.com
Secretary: Brooklyn Schweiss-Cutler, cedarhurstsecretary@gmail.com
Sign up for the email distribution list at cedarhurstsecretary@gmail.com
Board of Directors:
Brian Moore
Jennifer Dieux
James Foster
Rose Bademan
Jason Ekern
Robyn Ekern
Kevin Hardy
Pam Foster
Eric MacKay
Active Committees:
Community House : Rose Bademan, CedarhurstCommunityHouse@gmail.com
Harbor: Jim Foster, jfoster4603@gmail.com
Social / Benevolence: Amanda Shick, CedarhurstEvents@gmail.com
Grounds: Pam Foster, pamjimf@comcast.net, and Betsy Weinkam, bweinkam@gmail.com
Buildings/ Structures: Dan Miller
Community Relations: CedarhurstCommunityRelations@gmail.com
Security : Daniel Miller, dmiller0412@comcast.net
Shoreline Restoration: Jim Foster, jfoster4603@gmail.com
Historical Research : Elaina Uhl, elaina.lill@gmail.com
Web: L. Sidney Irving, sidneyandcompany@gmail.com
Communications: Brian J. Moore, brianjmoore12@gmail.com
Newsletter: Jennifer Dieux, cedarhurstnewsletter@gmail.com
Special Projects:
Commodore: Rob O'Steen, rosteen@jhu.edu
Elections / Nominations: Brian Moore, brianjmoore12@gmail.com
Anne Arundel County Info:
AA County: http://www.aacounty.org
Our AA County Community Specialist:
Vincent Moulden, exmoul00@a acounty.org
(410) 222-1260